MES State Committee

Past few decades have witnessed a significant transformation in the educational status of Muslims in Kerala, who are educationally most backward. The Muslim Educational Society is one of the main architects of these efforts. 

The movement was started by a group of socially conscious people, headed by the late Dr. Abdul Ghafoor Sahib in 1964 at Calicut. Well-known professionals, intellectuals, educationists and businessmen whole-heartedly supported it. The society has been promoting a large number of educational projects and programs from primary level to professional level. 

In a short span of time, its activities spread to almost every district in Kerala and a large number of MES educational institutions were started. Today the society runs more than 150 institutions including more than 50 Schools, a number of Post Graduate Colleges, Women's Colleges, many Informal Educational Centres, MES Institute of Information Technology (MES-IIT), MES School of Architecture, Engineering College and Medical College.

In addition to institutions in the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu, MES institutions were established in the West Asian countries like Saudi -Arabia, U.A.E, Qatar, Muscat etc. 

Our country requires many architects, technologists and managers to meet the challenge of liberalisation of the 21st century. MES endeavors to help our country face this challenge with special emphasis on the region and their community. 

With constant interaction with the industrial and business community, MES aims not only to emerge as a centre for teaching technology and management, but also to become a centre for research and development.

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